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How Coolcatss can help cats that spend long hours alone

What happens to a cat left alone?

In principle nothing should happen to him, as long as he is used to it and does not suffer from a previous problem of separation anxiety. 

Cats, although known for their independence, are actually facultative social animals that need stimulation and interaction. However, a cat's sociability can vary depending on a number of factors:

  • Early socialisation: What makes a cat more or less sociable occurs between the first two to seven weeks of its life. During this critical period, kittens are very receptive to new experiences and learn to interact with other animals and people. Cats that have had extensive socialisation during this stage tend to be more sociable in adulthood.
  • Past experiences: A cat's experiences with people and other animals can influence its level of sociability. For example, a cat that has had negative experiences with people may be more reluctant to interact with them.
  • Genetics: A cat's breed may influence its level of sociability. Some cat breeds are known to be more sociable and friendly than others. In addition, cats born to parents with a fearful temperament may inherit this to a large extent.
  • Environment: Cats that live in an enriched and stimulating environment tend to be more sociable than those that live in a stimulus-poor environment.

But cats may also change their level of sociability over time, depending on their experiences, whether positive or negative, age, changes in environment, etc.

It is important to remember that each cat is an individual and may have its own level of sociability and may respond differently to change, but it is always important to respect the cat's pace and preferences.

Today there are some individuals who are more social and others who enjoy solitude or spending time alone. However, this does not mean that they can or should be left alone for hours on end; we must be responsible, for that is why they are members of our family.

When left alone for long periods of time, cats may also experience a range of physical and emotional problems.

  • Stress and anxiety: Like humans and dogs, cats may experience stress and anxiety when left alone for long periods of time. This may be due to lack of social interaction, changes in their environment, or simply boredom.
  • Behavioural problems: Cats need an outlet for their natural energy. Without sufficient stimulation, they may develop problem behaviours such as inappropriate scratching, defecating and urinating outside the litter box, biting and scratching objects, aggression or excessive meowing.
  • Sedentary and obese: Without sufficient physical activity, cats may lead a sedentary lifestyle, which can result in obesity. Obesity in cats can lead to a number of serious health problems, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • Untreated health problems: unattended, injuries or illnesses can go unnoticed and untreated, which can worsen their health status.
  • Boredom and lethargy: without sufficient stimulation, cats may become more lethargic, which can lead to behavioural and health problems.

Animal welfare is undermined.

All of this leads to a decline in the animal's well-being. So if you have a cat that spends a lot of time alone, it's important to provide sufficient physical and mental stimulation, and consider hiring a cat sitter or asking a friend or neighbour to visit if you're going to be away for an extended period of time.

Identifying whether a cat is stressed can be a challenge, as cats often hide their emotions. However, there are several signs that may indicate a cat is experiencing stress, such as changes in appetite, decreased playfulness, toileting outside the litter box, repetitive or compulsive behaviours, sudden aggressive behaviours, excessive licking or shedding, changes in sleep patterns or increased sensitivity to noise.

Stress can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of cats. Coolcatss can help reduce stress by providing cats with a safe and stimulating space where they can play and explore at their own pace. 

Coolcatss can be an excellent choice for cats that spend a lot of time alone. It provides an enriched and stimulating environment that can improve their physical and mental well-being, and helps prevent a number of common problems in domestic cats. 

Coolcatss is a play castle developed by a multidisciplinary team that enriches the environment for cats, providing them with improved well-being.

With its interactive and engaging design, it provides cats with a positive outlet for their energy, helping to prevent and combat these behavioural problems by providing an enriched environment that challenges cats both physically and mentally. 

Regular physical exercise is essential for cats' health, and active play and exercise releases endorphins, which promotes a balanced mood.

So if you have a cat that spends a lot of time alone, consider introducing Coolcatss into your cat's life - your cat will thank you for it!

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