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Why can Coolcatss prevent behavioural problems in cats?

Behavioural problems are unwanted or inappropriate behaviours that can manifest themselves in a cat's daily life, such as aggression, hyperactivity, excessive vocalisation. As well as anxiety, elimination outside the litter box, demand for attention or compulsive behaviours. They may even be normal behaviours of the species that caregivers deem unsuitable for coexistence, such as scratching with nails or urine marking.

These problems may be caused by a variety of factors, including health problems, stress, changes in the environment or problems with social interactions.

Understanding feline behaviour with a professional.

In order to solve these problems it is very important to address them in a professional manner and to seek the advice of a veterinarian specialised in feline behaviour. The underlying cause(s) of the problem should first be identified and treated, whether it is a health problem or not, and behaviour modification strategies should be implemented to address the behavioural problems.

The importance of environmental enrichment in cats.

Among these treatment strategies is environmental enrichment. In order to implement enrichment actions with the aim of making them feel better, we have a guide developed by several authors for the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM)1, which provides guidelines classified into 5 pillars for a healthy feline environment. Here you can read the article in which we talk about it.

How does Coolcatss help my cat?

Coolcatss represents an element with which many of these guidelines can be met to provide cats with a healthy environment and appropriate environmental enrichment. This leads to a reduction of stress and social conflicts and, consequently, to an improvement of the cats' physical and mental condition.

In Coolcatss cats can find a place to hide and climb up to be at ease and be able to control the environment, as well as to rest at a pleasant temperature and isolated from noise.

This same place can be used at other times to play, alone or in company, climbing, climbing, climbing, chasing and exploring, facilitating physical activity and hunting behaviour.

They can also scratch, bite and claw, both during play and when they need to sharpen their nails and stretch their muscles.

Additionally, it makes it possible for them to find a place to eat and also to groom and groom themselves, to sleep in the company of their social group or alone, as well as to rub themselves by depositing their facial mark.

Coolcatss can therefore fulfil the necessary requirements to be a toy, a scratching post, a high tower, a hiding box, a place to be together or to be alone, to sleep, to groom or to eat.

Coolcatss, multifunctional.

In addition, its structure can be modified and multiplied according to the space available and the number of cats and social groups in the home, used alone or with other additional elements and easily stored if you need to pick it up or move it for any reason. And if any of the cats have health problems, such as osteoarthrosis, compromising their mobility, a lower composition adapted to their abilities can be arranged.

Coolcatss can be used as a preventative or as part of a multimodal treatment. All cats need a healthy and enriched environment, but even more so in the case of behavioural problems. 

In summary, Coolcatss provides an enriching environment that addresses many of the natural needs of cats, which can prevent behavioural problems by reducing stress, encouraging appropriate physical activity and providing dedicated areas for various activities. Thus, by keeping cats happy, behavioural problems are less likely to occur.

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