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Tips for protecting cats from the heat.

Summer is approaching and temperatures are beginning to rise, although we have already mentioned that cats' comfort temperature is between 30 and 38 degrees Celsius, which makes them tolerate this rise quite well, the truth is that despite their high comfort temperature, cats do not have effective heat dissipation systems.

It is therefore of the utmost importance that in hot weather we avoid taking life-threatening risks.

Tips to protect your cats from the heat

Provide fresh and abundant water: Throughout the year, changing the water daily and cleaning the container is of the utmost importance, even several times a day, and provide fresh water, even with ice if they like it.

Create cool areas at home: Always provide access to areas without sun or heat sources, well ventilated, with fans or air conditioning if necessary (be careful with the use of air conditioning). 

Avoid heat stroke: Never leave a cat locked in a car or in an unventilated place on hot days, as it can suffer from heat stroke, which can be fatal. If you need to transport your cat, make sure the vehicle is well ventilated and not exposed to direct sunlight.

Regular brushing: Brushing your cat regularly if you like can help to remove excess hair, which will facilitate the regulation of your cat's body temperature. In addition, we reduce the formation of knots and help to keep his coat in good condition.

Cool your cat: If the cat trusts us and tolerates us dampening his coat, we can do it with a damp cloth or a spray bottle to help lower his temperature. Avoid getting them completely wet as this will make them too uncomfortable.

Cooling blankets and frozen water bottles: We can offer them cooling zones with cooling blankets or freezing water bottles by wrapping them in a towel and leaving it in their resting area.

Avoid intense physical activity: During hot weather, it is important to reduce your cat's physical activity, especially during the hottest part of the day. Look for cooler times on hotter days to play or exercise.

Watch for signs of heat such as panting, salivation, heavy breathing, shivering or difficulty moving. If you notice any symptoms, move them to a cooler place, if they get worse you should go to your vet immediately.

Did you know that cats don't sweat?

Cats do not sweat so we may see them with their mouths open, panting and with their tongues out as a mechanism to dissipate the heat, sometimes we may see them do this due to stress.

Protecting cats from the heat in the summer months is essential to maintain their health and well-being. By following these tips and paying attention to your feline's needs, you can ensure they enjoy a safe and comfortable summer. Remember that every cat is unique, so it's important to tailor your cat's measures to their individual needs.

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