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Newly fostered or found cats

The abandonment of domestic animals, especially dogs and cats, is one of the serious problems of our society in our country today.

According to the Affinity Foundation's Abandonment and Adoption Study 2023. In 2022 more than 288,000 dogs and cats were collected in Spain. 2.6% of the 4,492,000 cats known to live in Spain were abandoned or lost.

An important fact to note is that more than 50% of the dogs and cats collected are adopted by new families. In the case of cats, only 4.2% are returned, while 15.2% of cats remain in the shelter.

As for the frequency of arrival at the shelter, in the case of cats, it is higher during the second four-month period of the year (43%). As their reproduction is seasonal and due to the fact that one of the main reasons for abandoning cats is unwanted litters.

If they are sterilised, as indicated in Law 7/2023, of 28 March, on the protection of the rights and welfare of animals, it is possible to reduce the abandonment of litters during the summer months.

Notably, the main reasons for abandonment at a shelter in 2022 were unwanted litters (18.6%), behaviour (12.3%), loss of interest in the animal (11.6%), end of hunting season (11.4%), economic factors (8.9%) and housing changes (7.8%).

What to do when you adopt, foster or find a cat?

Adopting, fostering or finding a cat can be a rewarding experience, both for the animal and for people. However, it is important to remember that these cats may need time and support to adjust to their new environment and should not be crowded or harassed, but provided with a safe space so that they can adjust at their own pace without being disturbed.

If adoption is a planned goal, getting it right should also be the chosen plan. Therefore, everything should be in place at home to make the new feline member of the family feel at ease. This includes having a space of its own for the cat that includes all the necessary resources as a species: elimination area (large, uncovered litter box with clumping litter), play area (with toys and various play devices), feeding area (with food and water separated from each other and separate from the litter box), scratching area (with various vertical and horizontal scratching devices), resting areas (with blankets and beds) and hiding areas (with various elements placed high and low to hide in).

This will provide the new cat with the necessary elements to develop its chosen adaptation strategies. In addition, space and time should be allowed so that the cat does not feel under pressure.

What if there are other animals in the family?

If there are other animals in the family, they should not be introduced all at once or at first, but when the cat has already adapted to the new home and always in a very progressive manner, without scares or surprise encounters.

A calm attitude should be maintained at all times, without trying to touch or grab the new individual, without making noise or sudden movements in their presence and always associating this with something positive such as wet food and play.

Pheromones will help in this process and should be placed in the form of a diffuser from the start.

The good thing is that cats are very curious, active and exploratory animals, but on the other hand they are also very sensitive to stress. When a cat is fostered, adopted or found, they can find the new home very challenging, with new individuals and stimuli that they have not been in contact with before.


How does Coolcatss help the well-being of cats?

Coolcatss, our play castle for cats, can help in this process, as it is designed to enrich the cats' environment and provide them with a more comfortable and happy environment.

Coolcatss provides a quiet, stimulating shelter and hiding space to help cats adapt to all these changes. It is also useful at different stages of a cat's life, whether it is a playful kitten, an active young adult, a mature adult or a senior cat.

Placed in the space reserved for adaptation in the home and later, once the cat has been integrated into the family, in a place chosen according to its needs, it will represent a fundamental element for developing its life in the family.

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