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Cats and firecrackers.

It is important that we are aware of the danger that the explosions of firecrackers can pose to our feline companions, and the importance of taking action to maintain their well-being.

During festivities such as New Year's Eve, sporting events or San Juan, these types of devices are usually used, whether firecrackers or fireworks, which are so damaging to the animals that are affected by them, causing them great stress. In the case of cats, their sensitivity to sound makes their exposure to these sudden noises even more dangerous.

Cats have extremely acute hearing, much more developed than that of humans. This allows them to detect sounds at greater distances and with greater precision. However, this sensitivity also means that sudden loud noises, such as firecrackers, can be frightening and even disorienting.

Tips to minimize the impact of firecrackers on cats by creating a safe space for them:

Create a safe haven: Prepare a quiet, safe area inside the house where the cat can take refuge. This space should be away from windows and doors, and can include his favorite bed, toys, and some food and water. Closing windows and blinds tightly and even using thick curtains that muffle the entry of noise.

Use white noise: Turning on the television, radio, or a fan can help muffle the sounds of firecrackers. Relaxing music for cats can also be helpful.

Show ourselves calm: Cats are very perceptive and can detect stress in other family members. We will try to maintain a calm and relaxed attitude as it can help calm them down. We can try to play with them, pet them or give them something delicious to eat. We will have to pay attention to how they are and how we can make them forget what is happening outside.

Pheromones and supplements: The use of pheromone diffusers can help reduce anxiety in cats. We should put it on several days before the event, and renew it every 30 days. There are also natural supplements and medications that can be recommended by your veterinarian and that can help you better manage stressful situations.

Desensitization: If our companion is one of those who have a bad time, our advice will always be that you go to an ethologist, a veterinarian specialized in feline behavior, and that together you work to desensitize the kitten so that it affects him less and less, this process is long. So if one of the dates when this happens is very close, you can contact us but knowing that there probably won't be time.

Symptoms of stress in cats due to these noises and the risks if we allow them to be exposed without minimizing their suffering can include:

They can escape or hide: Cats often look for safe places to hide when they feel threatened. This can lead them to get into dangerous or difficult-to-access spaces, or to try to cross any door or window they see open, putting their life and integrity in danger.

Changes in their behavior: They may appear more aggressive, anxious or scared. Some cats may even stop eating, showing anorexia for a few days (remember that more than 48 hours without eating seriously endangers their health) or stop using their litter box, finding pee and poop in inappropriate places.

Health problems: Prolonged stress can lead to physical health problems, such as urinary tract diseases or digestive problems, it also weakens your immune system making you more vulnerable to getting sick.

Let's be responsible feline companions and not leave them alone these days, monitoring how they react and intervening to minimize their suffering is our duty. We will prevent them from escaping, fleeing or having accidents. We must also monitor that there are no changes in their behavior or that they have stopped eating.

In short, the well-being of our cats during festivities that include the use of firecrackers depends largely on the preventive measures we take. We must understand the sensitivity of cats to noise and creating a safe and calm environment for them is essential. By following these strategies, we can minimize stress and anxiety in our felines, ensuring that they also enjoy or are not traumatized by the celebrations by providing them with a calm and protected environment.

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