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Do cats need to be left undisturbed?

Addressing the domestic cat's need for privacy.

As a veterinarian specialising in behavioural medicine, I believe it is essential to explore the complex relationship between domestic cats and people, taking into account their instinctive needs and unique behaviour. Cats are often perceived as independent animals that need to be left undisturbed, but this perception may not be completely accurate.

What is the domestic cat like?

The domestic cat is a species within which there are unique and diverse temperaments, which means that their preferences for human interaction vary considerably. Some cats may show a strong predisposition for social interaction, while others tend to be more introverted. The key to understanding and attending to a cat's needs lies in observing their behaviour and interpreting the signals they offer, always taking into account their individual temperament and not making the mistake of initiating unnecessary manipulation that can lead to avoidance, fear and aggression. We always recommend enjoying the company of a cat rather than handling it.

How Coolcatss helps the domestic cat.

Proper early socialisation of a kitten is crucial to its development and well-being throughout its life. Kittens that are raised in an environment where human interaction is encouraged are often more likely to develop positive relationships with people. In this context, Coolcatss can serve as a valuable component of socialisation.

Kittens can use it as a refuge and play area, allowing gradual interaction with humans in a safe and comforting environment.

Cats need periods of privacy and solitude to maintain a balance in their well-being. "Selective solitude" is an important concept: cats can enjoy human company, but they must also have quiet times.

Coolcatss offers a refuge that meets this need, which contributes to their emotional well-being.

Let's not forget that pillar number 4 of the 5 pillars for a healthy cat environment is reserved for interactions between your cat and your family members. These should be positive and, most importantly, predictable for your cat. Cats do not, or at least not all, benefit from constant petting and physical contact. But they do need social contact, albeit in their own way, i.e. controlling how much and when. It will always be better if it is brief, positive and signalled, rather than long, irritating and unpredictable.

Signs of discomfort that domestic cats may show.

Watching for signs of discomfort in cats, especially during human interaction, is very important. The signals are very subtle and need to be observed carefully and moved slowly so that they do not go unnoticed and become threatening. If you also signal with a word, gesture or sound when you are going to handle your cat, you will be able to anticipate and control it, which is essential to reduce stress.

Remember that stress can lead to behavioural problems such as aggression, anxiety, compulsive behaviours, inappropriate elimination, as well as diseases such as respiratory, urinary and dermatological diseases. It also decreases immunity and worsens quality of life if it becomes chronic.

Effective communication is essential in the relationship with cats. Cats have a language of their own and behavioural signals that indicate their preferences. Cats may manifest stress through signs such as ruffling of fur, growling, snorting, attempts to move away and avoid, backward movements of the ears and whiskers, and turning to one side of the head or tail lashing.

The presence of Coolcatss in the home allows cats to express their desire not to be disturbed more clearly and minimises the possibility of unwanted conflict.


So note this: domestic cats are creatures with individual ethological needs when it comes to human interaction. While it is true that they require moments of solitude and privacy, they also value the company of their caregivers but in a respectful and predictable manner.

Incorporating elements such as Coolcatss into the home can contribute to the cats' well-being by providing a haven that satisfies their need for privacy, minimises stress and strengthens the relationship between the cats and their guardians. In this sense, balancing privacy and appropriate interaction is essential for the well-being and happiness of our friends.

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